3 Reasons to Consider Gas Choice This Summer

Dillon Energy, alternative natural gas & electric supplier in Michigan.

1. Strike when the weather is hot… and the market is not. After more than a year of volatility with spikes nearing $10 per MMBtu, market pricing has plummeted… for now. From the coming winter forward, futures pricing is consistently increasing, year over year. This creates a window of opportunity to secure low pricing that may not be available much longer.

2. Get a jump on your competitors. For many businesses, natural gas is not a top-of-mind issue when the heat is dialed down. And when demand is low, there are deals to be had.

3. Choose a rate plan and term that suits your goals. A Variable Rate provides flexibility to enjoy a low market and keep your options open. A Fixed Rate provides budget certainty and insulates against future market increases. And even if you’re mostly using gas for heating, Gas Choice suppliers purchase gas for you year-round, which can help flatten out seasonal fluctuations.

Why not take another look? Contact us, and we’ll help you evaluate your options and structure the right program for your business. We’ve served Michigan businesses like yours for more than 20 years, reducing energy costs so they can devote their attention to running their business. We look forward to hearing from you.


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