Do You Know What You’re Paying for Natural Gas This Winter?

Energy bill in mailbox

Winter’s almost here.

That means natural gas usage in winter is cranking up, no matter what El Niño brings.

Is your budget ready?  Now’s a good time to check your utility bills, to make sure your natural gas costs are aligned with your business goals.

Getting out the utility bills is the hard part.

Seriously.  We all know how it feels to add one more thing to the list, especially in this busy time of year.  Optimizing your natural gas rates seems like a classic “Quadrant 2” task.  It’s important, but not urgent… except when it is urgent.

And natural gas can get urgent fast.  When mother nature dials up a surprise, the market can rally.  It can be sudden and unpredictable.  Do you want to find yourself scrambling during a winter market spike?  That’s when your options may be limited and nobody knows how high the market will go, or for how long.

We can make the rest easy.

Dillon Energy Services is a licensed Alternative Gas Supplier, and we may be able to help.  If you send us copies of your utility bills, we can evaluate your rate structure top-to-bottom and recommend solutions.  There could be opportunities to save money throughout your whole rate structure, as we’ve covered recently.

Many businesses are still seeing the impact of last year’s bullish and volatile natural gas market on their ongoing cost of gas supply.  Meanwhile, natural gas utilities in Michigan have implemented distribution rate increases, or are planning to in the near future.

Feel free to redact your account # and similar identifying information when sending us your utility bills for review.  We’re looking at your usage data and rate structure.  We’ll only need your account # and identifying information if you choose to sign up for our services.

And please note that we’re only requesting bills from your utility.  If you receive bills from a third party supplier or energy manager, which may include confidential or proprietary information, please do not send us those.

Why not double check? 

You can upload your utility bills here, or by contacting our office directly. We’ll analyze your natural gas usage in winter time.

We may find savings opportunities for you to consider, or we may find that your rate structure is optimized right now.  Either way, isn’t it worth knowing what you’ll be paying for natural gas this winter?


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