Family Business Cuts Natural Gas Costs with Dillon Energy

A Family Business Trims its Natural Gas Costs in Two Ways: Case Study

Murray Percival Co. | Auburn Hills, MI


Energy Challenge

Our case study focuses on how natural gas cost structure can change over time. For more than 60 years, Murray Percival Co. has been a leading electronic supplier to manufacturers in the Midwest area.  Running a lean operation has been key to the long-term success of this service-oriented family business.  Heating their Auburn Hills office and warehouse has been cost-efficient, thanks to their updates and maintenance over the years.  So a recent spike in their winter natural gas bills was an unpleasant surprise.  It turned out that a Gas Choice plan they’d signed a while back had crept up with a rising market. It also didn’t address their entire natural gas cost structure.


Energy Solution

They sent their Consumers gas bill to Dillon Energy for a Quick Analysis, which identified savings opportunities on both components of their gas costs.  By switching to Dillon Energy for Gas Choice on a Fixed Rate plan, they cut their supply cost by well over a dollar per Mcf.  And through the Utility Bill Optimization service, they also reduced their utility distribution costs, switching to a more favorable rate structure at the right time of year to maximize savings.


Saving Results

Murray Percival Co. is now saving more than $1000 per year on combined distribution and supply charges—more than 15% of their total natural gas costs.  They’re insulated from the risk of another market spike for the upcoming winters, plus their utility distribution rates are in line with their usage patterns.


Working with Dillon Energy Services helped me to obtain a highly competitive rate on my natural gas, both quickly and efficiently.  The process was painless and I was provided with a solution that fit my needs.  The fact that they are a local, service-oriented family business also gives me confidence that they are in it for the long haul and have my best interests as a client in mind.  As a small business leader, I have plenty of things that need my attention.  Working with Dillon Energy Services has allowed me to take at least 1 thing off that list.”

Murray Percival III




Have you secured your natural gas rates for winter?  Does your current plan address the entire natural gas cost structure for your business?  We can work with you to check that off your list.  Contact us and let’s get started.


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